June 28, 2021 Piney Branch Golf Club, Upperco, MD

The Free State Seniors celebrated their 50th season on Monday, June 28, 2021, at Piney Branch Golf Course. The weather was extremely hot, but the course was in outstanding shape and played tough. The 111 members who played gave their best effort. The results can be found below. Congratulation to the winners and “Thank You” to everyone who competed today.

You can click on any photograph to get a full-size view.

Overall Gross Champion - Jon Michael - 76 (Prospect Bay CC)

Overall Net Champion - Bill Parks - 64 (US Naval Academy)

A Flight

A Flight LOW GROSS - 77 (Dan Mastrangelo - Piney Branch GC)

A Flight LOW NET - 70 (Billy Dayton - Piney Branch GC)

A Flight 2nd GROSS - 79 (Jeff Moon - Piney Branch GC)

A Flight 2nd NET - 72(Kirk Thomas - Prospect Bay CC)
A Flight 3rd GROSS - 79 (Joe Bruns - Piney Branch GC)

A Flight 3rd NET - 72 (Mike Porter - Hanover CC)

B Flight

B Flight LOW GROSS - 80 (Paul Dittner - Ocean Ridge Preserve)

B Flight LOW NET - 70 (Ken Bush - Piney Branch GC)

B Flight 2nd GROSS - 81 (Craig Whitaker - US Naval Academy)

B Flight 2nd NET - 72 (Al Schwarzchild - Piney Branch GC)

B Flight 3rd GROSS - 81 (Jim Horn - Piney Branch GC)

B Flight 3rd NET - 73 (Russ Wenderoth, - Piney Branch GC)

C Flight

C Flight LOW GROSS - 83 (Dave Skellan - Piney Branch GC)

C Flight LOW NET (Paul Beck - Turf Valley)

C Flight 2nd GROSS -86 (Bob Myers - Cattail Creek CC)
C Flight 2nd NET - 74 (Bruce Cowan - Westminster National GC)

C Flight 3rd GROSS - 87 (Neil McShane - Cattail Creek CC)

C Flight 3rd NET - 75 (Mike Steverson - Manor CC)

D Flight

D Flight LOW GROSS - 86 (Rick Mills - Piney Branch GC)

D Flight LOW NET - 69 (Gary Abel - Glen Riddle GC)

D Flight 2nd GROSS - 86 (Bill Matton - US Naval Academy)
D Flight 2nd NET - 72 (Jim Peterson - Hayfields CC)

D Flight 3rd GROSS - 89 (Roy Ford - Links at Challedon)

D Flight 3rd NET - 73 (Tom Tarpley - Holly Hills CC)

Closest to the Pin Results
Hole 7 - Paul Beck (9")
Hole 9 - Jon Michael (2'10")
Hole 13 - Ken Bush (2'4")
Hole 16 - Kirk Thomas (7'7")

Provided below are photographs from the Tournament. Click on any to get a full-size view
History of Piney Branch

The founders of Piney Branch Golf Club, Tom Shilling, Bill Armacost and Fred Eberling, organized in 1963 to have the golf course built. Their goal was "to provide a high-quality golf course for the enjoyment of its members." Land that they owned, which makes up the 206 acres that Piney Branch covers today, was exchanged for shares of stock, thus establishing the original Piney Branch Corporation in 1964. The golf course was designed by Ed Ault and was built by Warren Randall of the Delval Company out of Pittsburgh, PA. The initial layout was only nine holes. The original clubhouse was built in 1966. The remaining nine holes were completed and opened in 1971, thanks to the efforts of Tom Zepp, Paul Wooden and Gordon Harden, who were responsible for raising the funds needed to complete the golf course. A semi-automatic water system was also installed around that same time.

During the 1980s, numerous improvements were made to the golf course. Further additions and renovations to the clubhouse were also completed. Jeffrey Zachman became the head PGA Golf Professional in 1989. Jeff's dedication to the game of golf and his pride in Piney Branch continue to this day, as he remains in his role as the head Pro, as well as a respected officer of the Mid-Atlantic PGA.

One of the most important events in the evolution of Piney Branch took place in 1997, when the membership purchased the Club through a stockholder's buyout, thus making Piney Branch 100% Member-owned. The Member owners, under the leadership of the Board of Directors and focus committees, then began to work diligently to continue to improve the golf course, Club facilities and overall operations.

Ongoing improvements to the golf course and facilities continued after the turn of the century. However, in 2004, the Members voted to move forward on one of the greatest undertakings in the history of the Club. The approved project included a complete renovation and 10,000 square foot expansion of the clubhouse, as well as a bunker reconstruction program and related design changes to the golf course. The bunker program was completed at the beginning of the 2005 golf season. And, to the excitement of the entire membership, the doors to the new clubhouse were opened in 2006. Piney Branch continues its operations today as one of the finest privately owned golf clubs and one of the most beautiful and challenging golf courses in the Mid-Atlantic region. The Entry form is available in the Tournament's section.