The Free State Seniors had an enjoyable day at Deerfield Golf Club. Many
were exhaused after some long carries, but came into the clubhouse to enjoy
a wonderful dinner and company with fellow members.
Thanks to everyone who played and congratulations to the winners.
You can click on any photograph to get a full-size view.
Gross Champions (Barry Andrews, Craig Whitaker)
Net Champions (Chuck Chokshi, Eric Bushby)
A Flight
A Flight LOW GROSS (Mike Myirski, Tom Lynn)
A Flight LOW NET (Jim Foster, Paul Glasgow)
B Flight
B Flight LOW GROSS (Ed McCarthy, Kirt Thomas)
B Flight LOW NET (Ed Baur, Steve Lehmann)
C Flight
C Flight LOW GROSS (Ed Bustard, John King)
C Flight LOW NET (Owen Wise, George Thompson)
Closest to the Pin Results
Hole 2 - Wayne Pruitt (2'0") Hole 11 - Barry Andrews (2'6")